
小学生英语短剧《Snow Baby》雪娃娃台词完整版

小学生英语短剧《Snow Baby》雪娃娃台词完整版

英语剧Snow Baby雪娃娃
C---Cat  D---Deer  Fs---Fire (火苗,10人)   H---Hen   L---Little Rabbit
M---Monkey   N(2人)---Narrator   R---Mother Rabbit   S---Snow Baby
Ss---Snow Flakes(小雪花,8人)   T---Tiger

Scene 1
(背景音乐《雪绒花》响起,雪花纷飞。Little Rabbit家的小木屋前,Snow Flakes在跳舞。Little Rabbit从木屋后上场。)
N:Little Rabbit and her mother live in the forest happily. Winter is coming. It’s snowing heavily. Everywhere is ice and snow. It is very cold. Little animals all stay at home.
L:Oh! It’s snowing. How beautiful! Mummy, Mummy! It’s snowing!
R:Yes. It’s so beautiful. Everywhere is white.
L:Look at the trees, the houses and the grass. They’re all white. How beautiful!
R:Look at your nose. It’s white, too. (打喷嚏)Woo, it’s so cold. My dear, we    haven’t got any carrots. Now, I’m going to get some. Stay at home by yourself.
L:I want to go out. I want to go with you.
R:It’s too cold outside. You can keep warm by the fire at home. Don’t go with Mummy, OK?
L:No! No! I want to go with you. I will be very lonely if I stay at home by myself. I want to go with you.
Ss:Oh! She wants to go out. Oh! She wants to go out.
R:I have a good idea. Let’s make a snow baby, so you won’t be lonely then.
L:A snow baby! Great! Mum, be quick, be quick! I want to make a snow baby now.
R:All right. Let’s do it. 好的。让我们动手吧。
Scene 2
 (背景音乐Jingle Bells响起。Mother Rabbit和Little Rabbit开始堆雪人。Snow Flakes伴舞,随后簇拥Snow Baby上场。)
L:Mummy! What a lovely snow baby! I love it!
R:You’ve got a friend now. I will go and get some carrots. Remember, don’t play outside for too long.
L:Yes, Mummy.
R:Good-bye, my dear.
L:Good-bye, Mummy.
(Cat, Deer, Hen, Monkey, Tiger上场。)
T:Wow! What a lovely snow baby!
H:How lovely it is!
L:Hello, everybody. Let’s play with my snow baby.
D:(边跳边唱)Two buttons for your eyes.(齐) Two buttons for your eyes.
M:(边跳边唱)One carrot for your nose.  (齐)One carrot for your nose.
T:(边跳边唱)A cherry for your mouth.  (齐)A cherry for your mouth.
L:(边跳边唱)Two potatoes for your ears.  (齐)Two potatoes for your ears.
C:(边跳边唱)Put on my hat. 
H:(边跳边唱)And put on my scarf.
C,D,H,M&T:How beautiful this snow baby is!
(小动物们围着雪娃娃边唱边跳起来。好可爱的雪娃娃! 好可爱的雪娃娃!两颗纽扣当眼睛,一根胡萝卜当鼻子,一颗樱桃当小口,两颗土豆当耳朵,请戴上我的帽子,请围上我的围巾。)
Scene 3
(背景音乐I’m a Little Snowman响起。小动物们和Snow Baby随着音乐在雪地上嬉戏、跳舞,Snow Flake伴舞,笑声不断。)
L:(天真地)We are close friends. Why don’t you kiss me?
S:Hello, Rabbit. Hello,……
L:Ah! You are so cold! 啊!你好冷。
C,D,H,M&T:Oh! You’re really cold.
D:I’m very cold now, Snow Baby. Don’t kiss me. I want to go home now.
H:I’m hungry. I want to go home, too .
M:I’m tired. Let’s go home.
C,D,H,M&T:Good-bye, Little Rabbit. See you, Snow Baby!
S&L:Bye-bye, everyone.
L:(对Snow Baby)My dear friend, let’s go home and keep warm by the fire.
S:No! No! No! I just want to stay outside. Thank you. See you later.
L:See you then.
Scene 4
L:Fire, Fire, you’re so warm and so nice.
F:I’m Fire.(火苗在木柴上方跳跃)I’m hot, very hot.
L:(伸懒腰,打哈欠)Oh, I am tired. I want to sleep now.
Ss:Oh! She is tired.
S:(趴在窗边)Have a nice dream, my dear friend.
Fs:She’s sleeping now. Ha, ha! Come on, friends.(13个火苗上场,包围住Little Rabbit。)
Fs:It’s our time! It’s our time!
(13个火苗边跳舞边唱歌曲Fire,歌词由经典老歌I Will Follow Him改编。)
Oh, fire, oh, fire, oh, fire.
And where she goes,
I’ll follow, I’ll follow, I’ll follow.
I will follow her.
Wherever she may go.
There isn’t safe place I see.
There isn’t safe place I see.
Let us play.
L:Help! Help! Mummy, Mummy, help me! Help me!
S:(在窗外焦急地喊)Little Rabbit, Little Rabbit! Let me help you!
S:Oh, it’s so hot in the house. It’s horrible! I’m very tired. I’m very tired…(Snow Baby慢慢融化,倒在地上。)
Scene 5
T:Look! Fire! Fire! Little Rabbit’s house is on fire!
D:Oh! No! It’s dangerous!
H:Oh! So terrible! Little Rabbit! Little Rabbit!
C:Let’s go and help Little Rabbit!
C,D,H,M&T:One, two, three, go! One, two, three, go!
C,D,H,M&T:Oh! Great! We put out the fire at last. 噢!太好了。我们扑灭了火。
(Snow Flakes伴舞,遮掩着Snow Baby下场。)
C,D,H,M&T:Little Rabbit! Little Rabbit! Where are you?
M:Where’s Little Rabbit?
R:Little Rabbit! Where are you?
C:Look! She’s over there! 看,她在那儿。
(Little Rabbit静静地躺在屋外的松树下。)
C,D,H,M&T:Little rabbit! Little Rabbit! Wake up! Wake up!
(Little Rabbit渐渐从昏迷中醒来。)
L:Mummy! Mummy!
R:Oh, my dear, don’t be afraid. I’m here. Mummy is here.
L:(哭着)Mum, where is Snow Baby? Snow Baby helped me. Where is he now? (向屋外呼喊)Snow Baby! Snow Baby! Where are you?
D:(捧着Snow Baby围过的围巾上场)Here is Snow Baby. He has turned into water.
L:(伤心地)Mummy! Will Snow Baby come back? Will he come back?
R:(指着天空中的云)Look! He’s over there, in the sky. He’s still with us. He will be with us forever.
All所有人:(向天空呼唤,并挥手)Snow Baby! Snow Baby!
R:We shall learn from him. We shall help others at any time.




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